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Sarmy for endurance - important for active people

One of the most important aspects of training is not only intensity, but also regularity. In fact, this is borne out by studies that have shown that smaller but systematic efforts are more effective than one-off bursts of power. However, in order to be able to maintain regularity without risking injury, the body must be solidly prepared for it.

A group of substances that can help increase the body's endurance (or, colloquially, fitness) include.SARMs, among others.

What are sARMs for increasing endurance and how do they work?

SARMs are non-steroidal active compounds. They combine in tissues with androgen receptors (from which they get their name, i.e. selective androgen receptor modulators) and thus not only affect greater endurance, but also help in body recomposition and accelerate metabolism.

Thanks to the fact that they act selectively (i.e. only on selected areas of the body), they do not cause side effects known from the use of anabolic steroids - so their users do not have to fear, for example, acne or androgenic alopecia.

Of course, SARMs alone will not work miracles. However - combined with the right training and diet - they will definitely enhance their effect, thus bringing you closer to achieving your goals.

What you will find among SARMs for improving fitness?

When it comes to the offer of the Biolab store, at your disposal you have a variety of SARMs with a convenient division into categories. It is thanks to them that you immediately know what effect to expect from a given substance.

Among SARMs for fitness you will find with us:

  • Stenabolic

This heterocyclic compound is a noteworthy substance for organisms that care about improving endurance. This is because it is able to increase the content of mitochondria in the muscles, making them more efficient.

That's not all, however - stenabolic also brilliantly regulates the diurnal rhythm and, as a result, eliminates the feeling of fatigue and lack of energy. As it has a positive effect on metabolism, it helps build so-called lean muscle tissue, and its high anabolic potential also makes it useful for regeneration and accelerating the healing of micro-injuries.

In the Biolab store, stenabolic is available as 60 tablets or 30 ml drops.

  • Endurobol (Cardarine)

This SARM (known by the names: endurobol, cardarine or GW 501516) significantly reduces body fat, but most importantly, it enhances training capabilities. This makes it so that any workout will give additional benefits and produce faster results.

His additional advantage - especially if you exercise extremely intensively - is the positive effect on cartilage and joints, which significantly reduces the risk of injury. Another important aspect is the fact that cardarine does not stimulate the production of cortisol or thyroid hormones, which can have a catabolic effect.

It is worth adding that endurobol, with a whole range of advantages strictly related to bodybuilding, improves the body's insulin sensitivity and reduces LDL cholesterol. In our store you can buy it in drops or in the form of convenient capsules

  • Andarine

SARM belonging to the so-called acetanilides. It has the ability to bind to androgen receptors, thanks to which it improves protein synthesis in muscles and bones, helping to build an impressive physique.

Andarine influences an increase in strength and the phenomenon of wascularization, or colloquially speaking, the appearance of "wiring," which takes place due to a strong reduction in body fat.

The website is for informational and educational purposes only, and the products sold on it are intended for laboratory testing only. The authors of the texts are not responsible for the consequences of using the products, and users use them at their own risk. The site does not recommend or urge the use of its products on humans or animals.