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Nutrition is one of the more common clinical problems. Individuals with this condition struggle with lowered immunity and muscle atrophy, in addition to being at a higher risk of infection. Contrary to appearances, this problem is not exclusive to men and women suffering from eating disorders or anorexia. Such a phenomenon can even affect overweight people. The term malnutrition is used to describe the state when insufficient amounts of nutrients, necessary for proper functioning, are supplied to the body. As for the causes, it is worth mentioning overly restrictive diets, eating disorders, mental disorders that cause lack of appetite, cancer diseases whose treatment involves vomiting and diarrhea, as well as many other conditions. Formulations for malnutrition are often taken by patients struggling with gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and parasitic diseases.

Alarming signs of malnutrition

One of the most characteristic signs of malnutrition is loss of body weight, body fat and muscle mass. People with nutrient deficiencies are constantly tired and sleepy. In women, loss of menstruation is noticeable. Another symptom is concentration problems, apathy, mood changes and thin skin. Depending on which vitamin deficiency one is dealing with, other worrisome symptoms may also appear. If there are insufficient amounts of vitamin A, there is a high risk of what is known as "chicken blindness," which is the deterioration of vision in dim or unclear light. Deficiency of B vitamins can result in muscle atrophy and muscle paralysis. People with vitamin D deficiency suffer from osteoporosis and weakened bones, while vitamin C deficiency results in scurvy. A common condition (especially in children) is anemia, associated with iron deficiency.

What for malnutrition?

We offer a wide range of products distinguished by a broad spectrum of action. Preparations for malnourished people are very often aimed at increasing appetite. This is how IGF-1 DES, among others, works. It is intended not only for people who have problems with decreased appetite, but also with small muscle and low strength (we also recommend pre-workout supplements available in our offer, which provide adequate stimulation during physical activity). The product may also prove helpful in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (e.g. Crohn's disease), which is a common cause of malnutrition.

Other malnutrition preparations worth paying special attention to are MK-677 and Nutrobal. Both of them contain ibutamoren, a compound that works by increasing growth hormone levels. It not only promotes faster tissue regeneration, but also affects the growth of new cells. It also functions as a ghrelin mimetic, so it effectively deals with increased appetite. This effect can last up to 3 months after discontinuing the product. It is due to the stimulation of GHS-R receptors located in the brain, which are responsible for intensifying the sensation of hunger.

What preparations for malnourished people can still be found in our offer?

People who are wondering what for malnutrition can also reach for the product GHRP-2. This is another growth hormone stimulant and a synthetic stimulator of ghrelin, which greatly enhances appetite. It plays a very important role in regulating food intake and energy balance. As a result, people taking this agent have a greater desire to eat food, leading to an increase in body weight. Additional benefits include improved performance, increased muscle mass, lowered cholesterol levels and improved immune system function. We also recommend preparations for strengthening the body, which help with the fight against pathogens.

We also recommend Shredded, which contains vitamin B6, B12, L-carnitine, methionine, inositol and choline. Adequate levels of B vitamins reduce the risk of anemia and help in the production of hemoglobin. In addition, the ingredients found in the product we offer are helpful for eating disorders, while participating in the processing of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, providing a greater dose of energy.