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Anti-acne stack

Over-the-counter remedies, such as zinc ointment or other anti-acne remedies, will not solve this issue permanently; in the end, they may provide temporary relief or may not work at all, and pharmacological agents such as isotretinoin interfere with the hormonal balance and proper neuronal balance in the brain. .Therefore, I would like to present this issue, considering measures supported by research and tested by friends.

Pantothenic acid - commonly called vitamin B5, but in fact it is a mixture of chemical compounds: pantothenic acid, pantheine, panthenol and coenzyme A.

Pantheine - a derivative of pantothenic acid.

Panthenol - belonging to the group of alcohols, not occurring in nature, but biologically active towards humans and animals.

Coenzyme A - biologically active forms of pantothenic acid.

Vitamin B5 plays a very important role in the metabolism of fats and oils. It increases the metabolism of both compounds and reduces the oily skin mentioned above. The difference between pantothenic acid and isotretinoin is that iso is responsible for the contraction of the sebaceous glands in the hair follicles, and B5 simply reduces the secretion of sebum. Coenzyme A is used at the cellular level for the oxidation of fats, so logically, the more CoA, the more fat will take part in the oxidation process. The simplest way to increase Acetyl CoA is to administer vitamin B5. In his experiment, Dr. Leung describes giving patients doses of 5-10 grams of this vitamin. This is a very high daily dose, which we can greatly underestimate by using the widely popular L-CARNITINE, which transports fatty acids to the mitochondria at a faster rate, where they can be beta-oxidized. We know that this supplement works, is not expensive at all, and helps transport fat (supported by many studies and not harmful to health). To sum up, a dose of 750 mg of B5 and 250 mg of L-carnitine used THREE TIMES A DAY is enough to get rid of annoying acne on the face. It works preventively, is not expensive and is not invasive like the above-mentioned isotretinoin, which is available by prescription.

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