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L-Carnitine 200mg is a natural component of the body and supports the absorption of fatty acids into the bloodstream for further fat burning. L-Carnitine is responsible for the transport of medium and long chain fatty acids across mitochondrial membranes, supporting their oxidation and subsequent energy production. In addition, it supports the transport of intermediate toxins out of the mitochondria, preventing their accumulation.

L-Carnitine  aids in the processing and elimination of fat cells in the body, as it is responsible for the transport of free fatty acids from the cytosol to the mitochondria. Here it can then be broken down or used to produce energy by burning fat.

L-Carnitine is also used in the treatment of cellulite and in weight loss treatments.

METHIONINE 12.5 MG - acidifies urine and bile, which is able to show a beneficial effect in preventing the precipitation of deposits in the urinary and bile ducts. It is a component necessary for the synthesis of glutathione to protect the body against the harmful effects of free radicals and toxins. It has a positive effect on the liver and kidneys by preventing their damage, helps in the treatment of poisoning with hepatoxic drugs, alcohol or ammonia. It supports the natural regeneration processes of connective tissue, skin, hair and nails, but also to alleviate the symptoms of acne.

INOSITOL 25 MG - supports the metabolism of fat and cholesterol and prevents their accumulation in the liver - thus preventing its fatty liver. It reduces the risk of developing diabetic neuropathy in diabetics by improving the conduction of nerve signals. Inositol also supports the fight against depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks, eating disorders, and is helpful in the prevention of age-related memory disorders and the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. It has a positive effect on the optimal functioning of the nervous system and helps to maintain the balance between the levels of zinc and copper in the brain cells. It also increases the sensitivity of receptors to serotonin,

CHOLINE 12,5 MG - participates in the creation and maintenance of the proper structure of cells, controlling the functions of muscles, respiratory system, heart function and the work of the brain related to memory. It affects the improvement of long-term memory. Choline also assigns a role in reducing the risk of developing cancer.

ATP 25 MG - a multifunctional nucleotide that plays the role of an important coenzyme in cell transformations, is involved in the transport of energy by providing it during the breakdown of high-energy phosphate bonds. The aim is to increase the improvement of the ATP resynthesis process in cells.

B-12 0,5MG  As we age, it becomes harder for your body to absorb and process the key vitamin B12. Not getting enough of this vitamin can lead to various health problems such as fatigue, anemia, and nerve damage. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that the body needs but cannot produce. It is critical for many bodily functions, including nerve function, red blood cell production, DNA synthesis, and neurological function. It is naturally present in some foods, added to others, and available as an oral supplement or injection. Vitamin B12 injections are usually prescribed to treat a vitamin B12 deficiency.

The benefits of vitamin B12 injections may include:

1. Efficient absorption: The injections bypass the digestive system and are directly absorbed by the body. This is especially beneficial for people who have trouble absorbing nutrients due to conditions such as pernicious anemia or gastrointestinal disorders such as Crohn's disease or celiac disease.

2. Preventing or Treating Deficiencies: Vitamin B12 injections can quickly raise your levels to prevent or treat a deficiency.

3. Increased energy: Some people report that they feel more energetic after receiving vitamin B12 injections. Although this can only occur in people who have previously been deficient in this vitamin.

4. Nerve function: Vitamin B12 is essential for the health and function of our nerves. A deficiency can lead to nerve damage.

5. Prevention of megaloblastic anemia: This is a blood disease in which the red blood cells are larger than normal and can cause symptoms such as fatigue and weakness.

6. Memory and Cognition: Some studies suggest that adequate levels of vitamin B12 may prevent brain atrophy and memory loss.

7. Heart health: Adequate levels of vitamin B12 can help lower levels of homocysteine, a type of amino acid that has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

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