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  • Does protein build muscle mass?
    Does protein build muscle mass?

    Protein is an extremely important nutrient. It consists of amino acids, which are the building blocks for cells and tissues in the human body. There are twenty different compounds that make up proteins. Eight of these, called essential amino acids, must be supplied with food, as we are unable to produce them ourselves.

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  • How to lose weight effectively?
    How to lose weight effectively?

    Successful weight loss does not at all require sacrifices, catcalling at the gym and giving up all your favorite foods. The rules for reduction are simple, but it is necessary to change habits to achieve lasting results. Also of great importance is our mental attitude and preparation of a realistic plan. Dietary supplements for weight loss can also be very helpful in the whole process.

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  • How to increase testosterone levels?
    How to increase testosterone levels?

    Testosterone is one of the most important male hormones responsible for many functions in the body. It affects, among others: on muscle mass, mood, self-confidence, bone density and sexual drive. People whose testosterone levels are too low often have problems with libido and erection. In addition, they have a higher level of body fat.

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  • Mass diet
    Mass diet

    Building muscle mass is a long-term process that requires a proper diet. Its inherent element is also intensive strength training. If you want to build muscle, you need to be in a calorie surplus, which means that you should eat more than your daily calorie requirement. A mass-gaining diet, of course, does not mean consuming empty calories.

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  • Vitamin D deficiency - symptoms and effects
    Vitamin D deficiency - symptoms and effects

    Vitamin D3, known as cholecalciferol, is one of the key ingredients for human health. Despite its importance for our body, deficiency is a common problem all over the world, including in Poland. This is primarily due to insufficient exposure to the sun, because the vitamin is produced in the skin under the influence of UVB radiation. What are the symptoms and effects of this nutrient deficiency?

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  • AAKG – facts and myths
    AAKG – facts and myths

    AAKG, or L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate, is a dietary supplement that is popular among physically active people striving to build muscle mass. Many of them dream of achieving better and better results that will translate into visual effects.

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  • What to eat while cutting?
    What to eat while cutting?

    The reduction diet involves limiting energy supply. It is intended for people who want to lose extra weight and get rid of excess fat tissue. A well-planned menu is the basis of the weight loss process. Unfortunately, many people make a lot of mistakes at this stage, including: the type of products consumed and the number of meals.

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  • Simple and easy weight loss rules for women
    Simple and easy weight loss rules for women

    The fight against excess weight can be long and arduous. The whole process requires not only self-discipline, but also a rational approach. In order for the change of habits to be permanent, it is necessary to implement a realistic plan in life.

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  • Building muscle mass, how to increase muscle mass?
    Building muscle mass, how to increase muscle mass?

    Building muscle mass is one of the main goals that strength trainers set for themselves. This has to do not only with the desire to achieve a certain physique, but also with the desire to increase strength and improve overall performance. The process of muscle building takes time and commitment.

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  • Dieta odchudzająca – 11 zasad zdrowego odchudzania
    Dieta odchudzająca – 11 zasad zdrowego odchudzania

    Proces odchudzania zawsze zaczyna się od myśli, która pojawia się pod wpływem określonych bodźców. Wpadamy na pomysł, aby od poniedziałku zmienić dotychczasowe życie, zerwać raz na zawsze z jedzeniem słodyczy i ćwiczyć każdego dnia. 

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  • Jak obliczyć zapotrzebowanie kaloryczne organizmu?
    Jak obliczyć zapotrzebowanie kaloryczne organizmu?

    Zapotrzebowanie kaloryczne to nic innego jak ilość energii, którą trzeba każdego dnia dostarczyć organizmowi, aby móc pokryć jego wydatki energetyczne. Wartość tego zapotrzebowania jest inna dla każdego człowieka i zależy od kilku czynników, płci, masy ciała, wieku, aktywności fizycznej, ilości tkanki mięśniowej oraz tłuszczowej.

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  • How to ensure good sleep and regeneration while sleeping?
    How to ensure good sleep and regeneration while sleeping?

    Sleep is one of the most important activities in our lives, which unfortunately we do not pay enough attention to. We often give it up in favor of longer watching movies, work or entertainment. Unfortunately, ineffective sleep and an insufficient number of hours of rest make everyday functioning difficult, and the effects of this become more acute the older we get.

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Showing 1 to 12 of 19 (2 Pages)