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Brain function
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Dihexa, also known as N-hexanoic-Tyr-Ile-(6) aminohexanoic amide, or its developmental code name PNB-0408, is an oligopeptide drug derived from angiotensin IV that binds with high affinity to hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and potentiates its activity at its receptor, c-Met. 


  • Potential in reversing neurological damage caused by Alzheimer's disease
  • Penetrates the blood-brain barrier
  • Improves cognitive function
  • Improves memory through the formation of new cell connections and neuronal differentiation 
  • Strengthens signals sent through the nervous system
  • Improves blood flow in the brain - counteracts brain fog
  • Facilitates learning, memorising and problem solving
  • Increases mental stamina and conversation skills

Dihexa is a nooptropic and a small peptide that has been developed by researchers from Washington State University to potently improve certain cognitive function of potential trauma-based brain disorders and neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s through increased synaptogenesis. In an assay of neurotrophic activity, Dihexa was found to be seven orders of magnitude more potent than brain-derived neurotrophic factor.

Peptide Therapy helps with a broad range of health conditions:

1. Enhancing Growth Hormone Production

2. Balancing Hormones

3. Improving Sexual Disorders and Erectile Dysfunction

4. Alzheimer’s Disease

5. Insomnia and Stress Disorders

6. Treating Obesity

7. Osteoporosis

8. Inflammatory Diseases

9. Autoimmune disorders

10. Tissue Repair, including joints, tendons and ligaments, and bone

Dihexa has also been called a “neurogenic wonder-drug” and the drug can be ten million times stronger than BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor), one of the leading medications for new synapse formation.

Main benefits of Dihexa

1. Help people who have Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Parkinson’s Disease (PD) 

2. Increase mental stamina  

3. Enhance creative thinking and social intuition and conversational skills  

4. People report it as it improves problem-solving skills

5. Manage depression 

6. Improve general long and short-term memory  

7. Improve focus and learning  

8. Improve heart health 

9. Improve hair health  

10. People report as it boosts mental endurance

Users have reported increases in creative thinking, social intuition, and problem-solving skills. There has also been a fair deal of non-responders who haven’t felt anything at all.

It has also been considered as a prospective guard against aminoglycoside toxicity in hair cells. The outcome of this test found that Dihexa provided optimal protection against severe treatment with otoxin.




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